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Rippling your law firms Instagram Engagement

Helen Cox Marketing Consultant London Kent UKWhilst you may not be a fan of social media, one thing is for sure. When it comes to marketing a law firm, social media can be just the helping hand you need. Even those platforms that you may not instantly think of, such as Instagram.   

The trick to Instagram is making sure that you get the most engagement from those who follow you. That way, you are ensuring that you are at the forefront of their mind when it comes to law firms and that you keep up with Instagram’s algorithm system.   

But, how do you make the most of your law firms Instagram engagement efforts? Here are some of my top tips that you can try out for yourself.  

Don’t just stick to one type of post  

The key to Instagram is to make sure that you don’t keep sharing the same type of post repeatedly. You may think that there are only the standard types of the post where you have an image and a caption. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Instagram has several options for you to try out when it comes to posts. This could be reels, videos or sharing stories too. All of which have their benefits for you to consider.   

Encourage conversations  

Content is excellent, but conversation is better. This means that you need to share posts that encourage discussion. The simplest way to do this is to ask questions. Questions require a response (or if the answer isn’t known, then they stimulate conversation) which means that they are a sure-fire way to get as many people talking in the comments section on your post as possible.   

Never focus on just likes  

Of course, likes are essential for social media, but they should never be your main focus. Likes are passive; they are something that you can do without really even thinking about it. This means that just because you are getting likes, that doesn’t mean that your audience is listening to what you are trying to say.   

It is much more important to see comments on your posts, or even better, those posts shared with other stories. This shows that those who you want to see your posts have.   

Go interactive  

One of the best things about Instagram is just how interactive it can be as a social media platform. This is particularly true when it comes to live story videos. When you make these types of posts a Question and Answer, for example, you invite your audience to interact with you and send you questions.   

Not only does this help you to answer some of the key questions that your audience may have, but it also helps to give you inspiration for content that you can share.   

Be regular   

Consistency is key with social media, so make sure that you post frequently and with a consistent approach. That doesn’t mean that you have to post the same thing every day simultaneously, but it does mean that any posts that are yours should be easily recognised as yours.   

You can mix your post type and the time of day (if you need to), but make sure that you post regularly to keep the attention of your audience.   

Always monitor your efforts  

How will you ever know what is working for you in marketing if you don’t analyse your results? Find a tool that allows you to see how well a specific type of post is working for you. Then keep going. If the approach isn’t quite going the way you hoped, then by assessing your results, you should be able to identify this and change what needs to be changed.   

Instagram might not always be your go-to when it comes to social media for business. But it can be a lot more useful than you realise. Take the time to learn how to boost your engagement, and you may just see those followers turn into viable clients in the future.   

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If you would like help with your marketing then bringing on a marketing consultant with a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. I work with B2B businesses and professional service firms in London, Kent, UK and Europe. Please get in touch or book a free 30-minute consultation.