Quick social media tips you can implement without a budget
Quick social media tips you can implement without a budget
Hi everybody and welcome to my Wednesday wisdom series. So today I thought I would talk to you a little bit more about how to make the most of your social media on a budget.
Tip one, I would definitely make sure that your social media channels are consistent. Brand consistency is absolutely key so how do you describe yourself on each channel what logos are you using what imagery are you using and is it all consistent? Also when it comes to images I would definitely take a look and make sure that they’re not pixelated I have seen so many pixelated logos and images it’s unreal so just do an audit of your social media channels.
Tip 2, would be to make the most of your hashtags when it comes to creating your content so hashtags really help you amplify your message and more people see them and you can use hashtags across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and now LinkedIn is using them as well. So, to make the most of the hashtags that you can use and they can be related to the content that you’re talking about it could be related to locality could be hashtag London it could be to do with the industry to hashtag property make sure you use a mix and if you’re not sure just google it because you can just google anything and they’ll come up with the most popular hashtags for that particular topic.
Tip 3, is really to try and make the most of engagement with your audience. So, how can you engage them? Do you engage them through polls or competitions or tagging their friends to get more likes and engagements or could you do something that I’m doing now so I’ve decided that I’m using videos for instance so could you try to engage them and show them who you are behind the scenes and give them some information you can use videos on Facebook live and LinkedIn. There are lots of different options. So, definitely explore.
There you are three quick tips that you can do with your social media on a budget.
I hope that you found it useful if you do please like and share it I’d love to get the message out there and until next week thank you so much for listening.
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