Creating robust marketing metrics for your professional services firm

Creating robust marketing metrics for your professional services firm

Helen CoxOne of the best things about marketing is that it is entirely measurable. No matter what type of professional services firm you have there are going to be tools, tricks and techniques to get you there. You can then use the marketing metrics and reporting to ensure that your journey is a smooth one, or, if you are faced with any hurdles, that you can make a move, take a detour and get right back on track. 

The thing about marketing metrics is that they can be hard to get to grips with; especially if marketing is not something that comes naturally to you. So, to help you out, I have put together our guide to creating robust marketing metrics for your professional services firm.  

Always start with a strategy 

There is not much point trying to measure your marketing efforts if you don’t know what it is that you are trying to achieve. Think about your long-term and short-term business goals and identify how the right marketing is going to help you to get there. Once you have this type of information in mind, then you can start to work out what success might look like for you and how you measure it.

Remember that conversions beat clicks 

It is great to know that people are clicking your website as this shows that you have traffic coming onto your website; but this should never be your main focus. Sure, without clicks you are never going to have conversions, but those conversions are something that you should always keep an eye on. A conversion is when a visitor actually properly engages with your marketing and is on the first step to being a customer for instance those contacting you through your contact page would count as a conversion as your website has converted them into a potential client.

Think about costs as well as results 

Marketing isn’t free and it is important that you keep in mind these costs when you are tracking the success of your marketing efforts. It is good that anything that you are trying is successful, but what if that approach costs your firm a huge amount of money. If it does then you probably shouldn’t see it as that much of a success. It is a much better idea to compare success rates with how much they cost; as this will give a true representation of whether or not it is worthwhile you doing in the long-term.  

It is important to monitor and track the performance of marketing for your firm especially when you are dedicating budget to that activity. 

Sure, it might not be something that you instantly understand, but what it will do for you is ensure that you have in mind everything that you are trying out, what is working for you and what you are going to need to change.  

All of which can help your firm to grow and become the success that you crave.  

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