Marketing Consultant Recruitment Agencies Helen Cox Marketing

Strategic Marketing for Long-Term Success: A Tailored Approach

I was contacted by the owner of a specialist recruitment consultancy. They had recognised that they needed some help with marketing their recruitment agency and wanted to have a solid marketing plan and activity in place for the future of the business.

Plotting the marketing plan

I came on board and conducted a thorough marketing plan. I came into their offices and spent a half-day both with the MD and the team to understand the business, what marketing they were doing and what and what wasn’t working so well. I always find this an insightful process as there can be many different views on the subject. I then went away and wrote my plan based on the knowledge that I had.

A wonderful website and refresh

One of the main concerns was the website. It wasn’t working for the recruitment agency, it was clunky, hard to use and information was hard to find. I strongly recommended that we refreshed the website if we wanted to give it some longevity, they agreed. We started the refresh project by bringing in an agency to work with us, we looked at the sitemap, the usability of the website as well as the look and feel.

Now, this sounds like it took a week to do but in reality, the whole website project took 4 months from end to end. It involves a lot of design work, building and also input from the team on the copy. One of the requirements is that they wanted the website to be integrated with Bullhorn – their recruitment CRM that is able to post jobs etc so there was, as expected, a lot of too-ing and fro-ing to make sure that ran smoothly.

My role in this whole project was to manage both my client and the agency. I was their project manager to make sure that everything was delivered on time. I was also able to offer advice and guidance throughout the whole project from a marketing perspective. I often find that clients say ‘what do I need ‘ and agencies say ‘ what do you want’! I am the person that usually knows the answers to these questions!

Helen collaborated seamlessly with our team and the design agency, ensuring everything was completed on time, within budget, and with invaluable advice throughout.

Fiona Boxall, Managing Director, BWW Recruitment

Setting up simple processes for their marketing

After the website had been launched, I worked with the business for a further 3 months to help set up some baseline marketing processes, in social media, email marketing, blogging and SEO optimization. There is no point in having a great website if you’re not promoting it properly! I worked with the team to help embed these processes so they could then continue themselves in the long term.

If you would like to find out more about how my services can help you find out more below:

Marketing Planning

Marketing Project Management