Tips to create valuable content for your website
Tips to create valuable content for your website
Hi everybody and welcome to my Wednesday wisdom series.
So today I thought I would keep it quite short and sweet and talk a little bit more about valuable content for your website. A lot of the professional service firms I work with tend to do ‘briefings’ and if I’m honest they are not that exciting. What you find is a lot of people search for tips or how to guides and it may be that your firm should start looking at what types of content you can produce in this type of format so people can find information that is valuable and useful.
So could be things like 30 mistakes people make when they’re moving house or five reasons you need an immigration lawyer or 26 things you need to know about employment tribunal because these types of things get people interested and engaged. Where as if you just do a briefing on something then sometimes people just automatically switch off based on the fact that you’ve given it a boring name.
Another source of information are white papers they tend to be a little bit longer a little bit more of an opinion piece not necessarily just explaining the facts but taking a deeper dive into what they mean for you as a client and also just taking a look at the longer term view of that particular topical area. So white papers for instance and the how-to guide you can offer them for free and you could do it so that you capture peoples details and off the back of that you send them the PDF download obviously making sure your GDPR compliant or you could actually sell these booklets if they are really quite valuable.
So these are two pieces of key content as a professional service firm you may want to consider. The how-to guide I think are quite exciting, a lot of the content that comes out from professional services can be quite dry so making it very valuable and interesting to read and intriguing.
Giving you a little bit of an insight into the content you might want to produce other than blogs and until next time, bye for now!
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