How you can help your clients buy your services

How you can help your clients buy your services

Today I wanted to create a video on how we can help our clients buy, and I think I was listening to a webinar, reading a book by April Dunford, and this started me thinking about the fact that the marketplace is quite crowded. 

And when our clients come to us, they are not sure a 100% what they’re looking for. They’re doing some investigations, they’re researching and to enable to help our clients buy, we have to have a view on the competitive marketplace. 

How do we fit into the competitive marketplace?

So what I mean by this is when we’re talking to clients and when they’re doing their initial research, we might want to create content that talks about how we see the marketplace and how we see ourselves fitting into the marketplace. 

There are hundreds of solutions that people could go for and you’ll have your own competitor set. It’s worthwhile looking at that competitor set and going, okay, these competitors, they do this, this really, really well, but you know what? We sit over here and this is what we do well, and we are really good at this. 

What are you really good at as a business?

They’re really good at that, but we are really good at this. And actually by helping to tell the clients and placing them on where people sit or where brands sit in that particular capacity in the marketplace, you can help them make a more informed decision. 

It might be that in the end, that decision is that they don’t go with you because they need something completely different. We don’t want to be doing everything for everyone. We want to do what we do best at, and we want clients who want our services. 

So it’s actually really useful to paint a picture for them, maybe with content or a buyer’s guide to show them where we sit in the marketplace with our particular expertise and where everybody else sits.

Incorporating your view into the sales pitch

April was also saying that doing this is really useful in sales pitches as well. So rather than just going straight into this is what we do, this is our services, this is how we can help, she’s like, look, this is the marketplace for this particular service that we do. This is where everybody sits, Clifford Chance, do this really, really well and White & Case do this. But we sit here and this is what we do really well. We are really good at this type of litigation, and we get a great amount of success for the types of cases that we are working in these particular areas. 

Being objective to help your clients

I think that when you can have a more objective view on the marketplace, especially in sales pitches, and you can talk about what you do well versus what everybody else does well, I think it helps to start positioning you in the client’s mind about where you sit in the bigger picture as it can often be quite confusing. 

So I really wanted to just make you start thinking about that. And it’s okay to be objective. It’s okay to say you’re good at something and you’re not good at something else because you want to attract the right clients, but also at the same time, you want to make sure that they’re coming to you and they know what they’re getting too.

I just thought it was an interesting take on things, mainly because April, the lady that I was listening to, she works more in B2B and tech and SaaS, but I thought it’s something that I think we could apply to other service areas, and I think it’s really useful activity, especially when talking with clients and trying to help them understand whether or not you are the right fit and what else is in the marketplace. So I hope that helps. Please do like and share my videos. And until next time, bye for now.

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