Helen Cox Marketing Fractional Marketing Director London Kent UK Professional Services and B2B

Cooking up your B2B Content Strategy

Helen Cox Marketing Consultant London Kent UKContent is an important part of marketing your business, which means that you need to make sure that you pay it plenty of attention. That said, it can be hard to know where to start when considering the content and making a plan on what to do.  

To help you make sure that you get content right, I have come up with six top tips on cooking up the most delicious B2B content strategy. 

Research your industry 

You know plenty about your industry (or what you do within it) but is your knowledge any wider than that? The chances are that you don’t know as much as you could. When it comes to thinking about content for your business. It is a great idea to research your industry and learn as much as possible about what is going on. Not only does this help to cement you as an expert. But it also gives you some ideas about the type of content you may want to create.  

Consider press releases 

Got some new and exciting changes, movements, staff or products coming up in the future? This is something that you need to share. It shows that you are a brand that keeps growing and keeps changing over time. Which will help you appeal to potential new clients. And those who have the skills you are looking for to become a future employee.  

Use your case studies 

If you have had plenty of happy clients in your past, then one great idea for your content is to create case studies on them, with permission, of course. You can detail the issues that this particular client had and how you managed to improve them. Not only does this help you to come up with content when you are stuck, but it can also help you to show other clients just how great you are.  

Create product guides  

Depending on the nature of what you sell, you may find that using it or getting the best out of it can be tricky to master. If you are a business known for having reasonably complex products to sell, it might be worthwhile to create product guides for you to use. Not only can this prove to be a helpful onboarding document, should you need it in the future for clients. But, it can be shared (perhaps in more basic detail) to create content for the future.  

Write FAQS 

You might not think that FAQs are something many people read, but the opposite is often true. If someone has a question about something that you do, then you should encourage them to get in touch and ask. However, if you want to cover some of the less specific and more complex questions that people have, it might be good to create FAQ posts regularly that cover these.  

The main thing to make sure that you do is to take your time to plan your content strategy. It might not feel like it at the time, but planning your content and thinking hard about what you are going to share, can really make the difference in whether or not your successes are rewarded.  

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If you would like help with your marketing then bringing on a marketing consultant with a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. I work with B2B businesses and professional service firms in London, Kent, UK and Europe. Please get in touch or book a free 30-minute consultation.