Brand Refresh
Brand Refresh
Hi everyone and welcome to my video series. Today I wanted to talk to you a little bit more about brand refreshes.
Over the summer I decided that I wanted to go through my third brand refresh. As my business has been evolving and the offerings and the services that I provide have changed, I decided that it would be a great time to take another look at my website.
I’ve been going for about six years now, and what I decided to do was just give it an uplift and give it a little bit of a refresh in terms of how I structured my pages.
Iconography that is getting old
I’ve been working with my web developer and I was very keen to start losing the iconography on my website. I think it was a little bit out of date. So I’ve introduced some more imagery there, to make it a lot more engaging.
Adding social proof
I have got some more testimonials that I can use on service pages and case studies. So the whole idea was to make the pages a little bit more easy to read and engaging.
My website is my biggest marketing channel, so I really wanted to make sure that it was working really well for me.
I went through a number of changes with the service pages and sector pages, and I’m really, really happy with it. I’m really looking forward to seeing how that works.
Tidying up the pages
Now there’s a lot more proof points across the whole website in terms of why people should work with me. It looks a lot tidier. It feels slicker. My old website content was just kind of stretched across the page where now we have nice little concise chunks of information. We’ve got some really nice kind of dropdown FAQs and a nice little section for testimonials that is all encompassed in one area.
Important to keep things fresh
The reason that I am telling you about this is because I think it’s really important for businesses to have a look at their brand and what it stands for and whether or not it actually represents what they’re doing. Now, I’ve had three changes in six years because I am a small business and I’m evolving.
But when was the last time that you had a look at your marketing and your branding?
Does it still represent what your firm does? Does it give a clear call to action in each of the pages and what people should do? Are there proof points across the website as to why people should buy from you, such as testimonials and case studies?
Have a little think about that. Go and have a look at your website. You never know. There’s always little tweaks and changes that you can make to make it a lot fresher and a lot more interesting in terms of the user journey. But it’s always worth having a look every couple of months just to make sure that it still represents what you do.
Need help?
If you would like help with your marketing then bringing on a marketing consultant with a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. I work with B2B businesses and professional service firms in London, Kent, UK and Europe. Please get in touch or book a free 30-minute consultation.