An elephant never forgets to implement these small law firm marketing strategies

When it comes to putting together a marketing strategy for your small law firm, there is one thing that you are going to want to make sure of, that it is a success. After all, why bother going to all that effort if it doesn’t work out in your favour?
It might not always feel straightforward when it comes to marketing; however, I am here to help. I have put together my top tips to help small law firms to market themselves as effectively as possible.
Think about the short-term wins
Whilst it is essential to focus on your business in the long term, that doesn’t mean that you should forget about those short-term wins. Sometimes those are the ones that will keep you going when you are waiting for those significant wins to pay off. Not only this, but it also gives you the time and breathing room to think about your long-term goals and how you can get there.
Don’t forget about your existing law firm clients
Of course, you will need to bring in new clients to grow your law firm and expand your success. But you should never forget about those existing clients who have used you in the past. Sure, they might not need your services all of the time, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up on trying to market to them. Not only will you remind them that you are there, but it also will help you to get them to recommend you to others out there.
Try blogging for your law firm
When someone chooses a law firm, they do so because they trust that they will provide them with the right advice and guidance. This means that you need to be able to show yourself to be an expert in your field. A great way to do this is with blogging. Blogging allows you to have an outlet to showcase your expertise and share your knowledge with those potential clients.
Blogging is also suitable for ensuring that you are using SEO and keywords to the best you can, as the content you share can be packed full of valuable targeted keywords.
Always take the time to know your clients
How can you expect to market to your clients if you don’t know them and what they are looking for? Of course, you can’t know the ins and outs of them exactly, as every client is different, but you can get to know the types of things they are looking for and what they will want from you as a law firm. That way, you can make sure that what you are offering them is going to be appealing.
Emphasise your law firm niche and value
You will never be the only law firm trying to win clients; you will always have competition trying to get their own client base, and often you will be trying to market to the same people. However, what you can do is to make sure that you emphasise your niche and your value.
Take the time to think about what sets you apart from others in your field? What are your niches? What is the value that you can provide that others simply can’t? When you can show what value you have, you can start to appeal to as many clients as possible.
Email market yourself to a win
There are many different types of marketing out there that you can try out, some of them are newer than others, whilst some have been around for some time. Email marketing is one example of an older method but is still showing that it has value in modern times.
So, if you are not making the most of email marketing, then you are missing out. Think about the emails you send to your clients and make sure that they are as appealing as possible. They will appreciate you taking the time out to try and appeal to them and to get them to find out more about what you can offer.
Focus on the big impact
While I have pointed out that you should be looking at those small wins, you still need to think about the bigger picture. After all, whilst the small victories are going to be your everyday earners, if you want something that will put you on the map, you need to be thinking about how you can grow and expand.
More prominent impact clients or services will be a much more long-term plan, and you will need to be able to look into the future and see how you are going to reach them and what it means when you eventually get there.
Drill into what works
You will find that some aspects of marketing work more for you than others, so it makes sense that you make an effort with the ones that will yield you the results you want. That said, whilst it is a good idea to drill down into what works, there is a caveat to apply to this.
Don’t only limit your efforts to what works; think about other things that may work out for you too. You never know; something that may not have worked to start with could be just the approach that you are looking for.
Think social (media)
Social media might not be everyone’s ideal, but it is a valuable tool when it comes to marketing a law firm. Social media gives you a great way to showcase your law firm and what you can offer; it also helps you engage with and communicate with your clients, which is another key part of being a law firm that they want to do business with.
Social media also gives you a way to showcase your brand and the personality of your brand. Which in turn can make you even more appealing to specific clients.
Encourage recommendations
You should never underestimate the power of word of mouth, especially for a law firm. Your clients will want to feel like they can trust in your advice and what you can do for them, which, if they are told by someone else how well you helped them, they can believe it.
Of course, local recommendations are great, but you can also take this one step further and ask your past clients to leave a review of your service on your website, on review websites or social media. This will help broaden the power of word-of-mouth and may even be an excellent way to secure you even more clients in the future.
As you can see, there are lots of things that you can do to try and market your legal firm and appeal to as many clients as possible. Don’t limit yourself to just one approach; then, you won’t know which one will work best for you and your firm. Take all the different methods into account, and I can promise you that you will have a marketing strategy that will help your firm shine.
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Need help?
If you would like help with your marketing then bringing on a marketing consultant with a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. I work with B2B businesses and professional service firms in London, Kent, UK and Europe. Please get in touch or book a free 30-minute consultation.